
No more forgotten population

Jose is a motivated person driven by a clear mission: visiting seniors at nursing homes, memory care, assisted and independent living facilities. Something he has been doing for over a decade, bringing encouragement and inspiration to thousands of seniors with his private inspirational services.

With his unique approach, Jose engages listeners to empower a stronger relationship with God as an opportunity to live happier, more fulfilling lives.

“It’s my mission to recognize and honor seniors. More than anything to remind them they are important to God who will continue blessing them to achieve their dreams, whether a life-long dream, a new desire, or a renewal of a past passion.”

With his unique approach Jose’s mission is to motivate these courageous seniors to surrender all their thoughts, doubts, fears, uncertainties to God for him to be able to bless their hopes and desires with a reality that was once thought impossible.

Jose’s mission is powered by his strong faith in God to continue achieving goals and to be willing to do whatever it takes to do it.

“I envision a planet where people in every community are working toward unity in God, where they want to be their best… for HIM.”

Jose’s mission is impacting in the lives he touches with his messages of one true God to create a community of inspired people who believe in making a difference in the world dreaming a pretty amazing legacy to leave behind.

“I genuinely believe it is my mission to speak openly about God’s pure love and continue to be a tireless warrior to bring down the enormous walls of religion that separate humanity instead of bringing humanity together.”